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Ways to Fund Dr. Carla’s Speaking Programs

As the founder of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Dr. Carla understand that many groups and schools have limited budgets for speakers. Here are a few creative options and tips for funding her programs:

1. Partner with a local school or organization. Dr. Carla is easy to promote to other schools, groups, and decision makers.  After discussing your plans with us, just forward them a link to

2. Charge a fee for your event to help cover the cost of Dr. Carla’s speaking fees.

3. Check with your school administration for funding from the Associated Student Body fund. For teacher in-service programs, ask about Staff Development — Title VI funding.

4. Plan to integrate and highlight Dr. Carla into a major theme such as cultural awareness week, health day, prom season, Valentine’s Day, or many of the nationally observed awareness days including:

Additional Resources:

Depending on your theme, federal, state, or local grant money might be available. For example, the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSCA) might approve a funding request for a speaker who addresses alcohol and drug prevention, sex education, tobacco use, teen pregnancy, and violence prevention. Check with your school district or federal government office to find out who is dispensing these funds in your state. Request an application form.  If your 501(c)(3) organization has secured funding for your programs, you may be able to allocate some of the grant monies to hire Dr. Carla to speak at your event or program.

5. Apply for other grant monies from your state by contacting your State Department of Human Services and State Department of Education. They can direct you to the correct office (i.e., school health division). Contact other local agencies in your county that already have grant monies from state agencies. For example, the Criminal Justice Department or Department of Public Safety might have distributed funds into mental health agencies or programs for mentoring youth, etc.

6. Contact your school’s PTO/PTA. Share your plans with them. They are more likely to contribute funds if your plan is well thought out.

7. Contact local business organizations (i.e, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Elks, Chamber of Commerce). Present your plan and request their sponsorship.

8. Create a win-win situation. Contact several of your larger local businesses, especially those related to services for teens and their families. Ask for the owner, CEO or Community Services Department. If they are willing to help sponsor the speaker, you can exchange the favor by announcing their support to your students and parents.

9. Invite multiple clubs on campus to participate and help in a fund raising project. A cooperative effort helps students collaborate and learn about the realities of acquiring funding in the real world.

10. Sororities/Fraternities: Include funds for speakers in Cotillion/Beautillion fees or ask your organization’s members to contribute toward the cost of Dr. Carla’s speaking fee.

11. Host a fundraiser, bake sale, silent auction, sell T-shirts…..Get creative!

Additional Fundraising Tips

Ready to Invite Dr. Carla to Speak at Your Event?

Thank you for your interest in booking Dr. Carla. Please submit the speaker request form and we will be in touch with you.

Invite Dr. Carla to Speak

More Information About Dr. Carla’s Speaking Programs:

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