“I have noticed a tremendous change in my daughter (after six weeks of coaching with Dr. Carla). She is more confident, has higher self-esteem, and is more in tune with her strengths and ability to achieve her goals and dreams. I would strongly recommend this program to other parents. — Ms. G. Shack, Atlanta, GA
“I gained a lot of insight on what’s facing my 8-year-old. I learned that I need to be a better listener! This workshop helped me realize what my daughter is facing. I think I had some idea, but this really opened my eyes. Dr. Carla was an incredible speaker who can truly help give parents insight and hints on how to help our girls become strong women. She helps adults help your girls face the challenges of today’s world. She was very well informed and spoke clearly.” – Rosie Perry, Red Bank, NJ
“I learned many techniques about how to relate to my daughters, discuss and understand what they are going through, and address situations that occur in their lives… I highly recommend Dr. Carla!” – Beatriz I. Copeland, Red Bank, NJ
Dr. Carla with Fanta and her mother at the Lycee Francais de New York 2013 graduation ceremony
“Over the past six months, I have observed big achievements and success…My daughter is more self-aware, has a more positive attitude, and is much more organized and better at managing stress…If you are thinking about coaching with Dr. Carla, I can assure you that the investment in your daughter’s happiness and future success is priceless!”
What were your daughter’s biggest challenges before coaching with Dr. Carla?
Before coaching with Dr. Carla, my 17-year-old daughter was fearful of success and worried about her future and what’s coming next after high school. She was very stressed out and struggled with time management and unstable self-esteem. I searched online for a teen success coach and felt comfortable about hiring Dr. Carla to help my daughter build confidence, try new things, manage stress, and improve her grades after our initial phone consultation.
For our first session, Dr. Carla met with us in Manhattan, which helped my daughter feel more comfortable about long distance video coaching. Her warm and engaging presence, combined with her high level of compassion, attentiveness, professionalism, and knowledge about teen girls let me know that we were in good hands. Dr. Carla used a variety of approaches and techniques to help my daughter learn how to deal with stress and disappointment with great sensitivity. She also taught her valuable life and academic skills, including how to create and stick with a study plan for her Baccalauréat exam.
What results did your daughter achieve while coaching with Dr. Carla?
After only a few weeks of coaching, I noticed that my daughter was taking more responsibility for herself and much more in tune with her feminine power. Over the past six months, I have observed big achievements and success. My daughter is more self-aware, has a more positive attitude, and is doing a better job of controlling her emotions when she is stressed out or thinking negatively. She is much more organized and better at managing stress, which helps her from becoming overwhelmed. As a single mother, I feel relieved from the entire weight of dealing with my daughter alone because I know that she can talk to Dr. Carla when she is struggling with a challenge or disappointment, especially when I am out of town.
Overall, the coaching has been very successful. While coaching with Dr. Carla, my daughter graduated with honors from a prestigious private school, earned her high school diploma and was admitted into her dream university. We are both thrilled that she achieved her goal of passing her Baccalauréat exam with a magna cum laude mention. She is also showing much more responsibility in her personal life. She is more in tune with herself and gaining back core skills that she exhibited during childhood. I have observed huge progress in terms of her body image. She is more accepting of herself, proud of her body, and feels that she is beautiful for the first time since was a little girl.
What is the most important thing parents and girls should know about coaching with Dr. Carla?
Investing in coaching for your daughter is like partnering with a professional ally who is devoted to helping you empower her. Dr. Carla actively listens to your daughter and provides feedback and accountability that helps her develop solutions to her challenges. Issues to be worked on are discussed in advance and when new issues emerge, the coaching plan is revised to adjust to the new needs and priorities. Getting your daughter coached by Dr. Carla is an active way to get a neutral and engaged ally in accelerating her self growth and self development to her fullest potential.
Would you recommend Dr. Carla’s coaching services to other parents?
I am pleased with Dr. Carla’s life-changing coaching program and have recommended her services to my colleagues without reservation. She has treated us like a priority and is highly attentive to our needs and concerns. When I have questions or concerns about my daughter, she provides helpful advice and resources.
My daughter looks forward to her regular coaching sessions and we are excited about continuing our coaching with Dr. Carla during my daughter’s first year away at college. I view Dr. Carla as a necessary partner in my daughter’s education and success.
What would you say to a parent who is undecided about hiring Dr. Carla?
If you are thinking about coaching with Dr. Carla, I can assure you that the investment in your daughter’s happiness and future success is priceless!
— Fanta’s Mother, Manhattan, NY
Interview with Hope Thompson, Mother of Amber and Jasmine
Q: I understand that you are the mother of two girls who were involved with Dr. Carla’s program HOTGIRLS, Inc. Tell me more about your daughters’ involvement and where are they today?
“Their involvement in the program had a tremendous impact on their lives. Dr. Carla hosted several events and held classes on a regular basis. They had an opportunity to be involved with the annual HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, which they were responsible for assisting Dr. Carla with planning and hosting the entire event. The girls always talked about how they really enjoyed it.
Amber had a chance to go with Dr. Carla to New York for a conference [at the Ms. Foundation for Women] pertaining to the work that she does with the girls. I was so excited when Dr. Carla asked Amber to accompany her on the trip. It was a honor to be able to send Amber with Dr. Carla so they could speak to others about the amazing work Dr. Carla is doing in Atlanta for our young ladies. Teaching the girls how to carry themselves with respect, is just one of the many values she instills in them.
Amber, Jasmine, Jakia, Aria, Jazzmyn, Sesyli, and Stephy are all in college and I strongly say that because of her program, they were able to stay on track.
The different events and classes Dr. Carla involved the girls in kept them grounded as teenage girls.
Dr. Carla said, ‘Don’t let a guy talk to you any kind of way, always carry yourself with respect and think about the consequences before reacting to any life situations, especially dealing with boys. Dr. Carla constantly reminded the girls how important it is to have self-respect.’
Her classes taught the girls about how to be aware of violent relationships, how to carry themselves as young ladies, media literacy, health and social issues, computer technology, and sexuality. I remember when Amber was ready to go to college, Dr. Carla went above and beyond in helping Amber with letters, resumes and the college application process. Dr. Carla mentored Amber through the entire college process. Dr. Carla continues to communicate with the girls while they are in college via email, phone or a visits when the girls are home on break- they always speak very highly of her.
This program is exceptional! I’m glad that the girls were awarded the opportunity to be a part of the program. It really helped the girls become the lovely young ladies they are today.”
Q: How did you first hear about Dr. Carla?
A: “I was in my car one day listening to the radio and they were talking about HOTGIRLS. I called Dr. Carla and ask her if the girls could be a part of the program. Normally they only work with inner city kids, so I asked Dr. Carla, “If you allow the girls to be a part of your program, I promise that the girls will be there for all the classes,” and that’s the sacrifice I made- and they’ve always been there from day one and that’s how we became affiliated with Dr. Carla.”
A: Dr. Carla teaches the girls self-respect and how to deal with real life situations; it’s like a mentoring program. Dr. Carla also hosts different events like the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign. After reviewing the HOTGIRLS website, it had no doubt that this would be the perfect program for the girls. Of course the girls were hesitant about going to the summit, but it was my job as a mother and mentor to make them go. After the first meeting I had no problem when it was time for the girls to go back.
Q: What do your girls say to you about their day when they come home from participating in the program?
A: “They would always speak positive- from the meetings at Spelman [College] to HIV awareness campaigns to Dr. Carla having a regular class. They would all get in the van speaking at the same time, always with excitement. They were all anxious to tell how being a part of HOTGIRLS that day made them feel. They would even start to talk about what they needed to do to prepare for the next meeting. I never once saw a frown or a sign of unhappiness after a day with Dr. Carla.
Q: Do you have any final comments?
A: “Dr. Carla, for her personally, I think she’s doing a wonderful job with the program she has for the girls. I wish there were more of her in the world because she works really well with the teens. It’s hard to keep a teen focused and she always did that- she always kept them focused and if you call any of them right now, they would be overwhelmed in speaking about Dr. Carla. They’ve been a part of HOTGIRLS since 2005.
Basically, she’s an amazing lady, her untiring dedication to our youth deserves the utmost recognition. Dr. Carla definitely prepares our children to be better people in society.
I would recommend Dr. Carla’s program to anyone, all of the girls are in college and they’re doing well and I know they’ve taken some of Dr. Carla’s teachings to college and use them in every day life, especially with the boys- they [the girls] have really used the advice from Dr. Carla and they are not in any teenage trouble- pregnant, etc.”